Event Connoisseurs

Black Heritage Walks Network

Black Heritage Walks Network Black Heritage Walks Network CIC was established in 2018 to champion the heritage of post war migrants in Birmingham and their vibrant heritage. The project started with the ‘Madiba Walk’, in Handsworth, Birmingham, which was launched as part of the Windrush 70th Anniversary celebrations. The aim of our walks is to present a ‘third place’ experience, so that the participants can explore their existing neighbourhood with evidence based research of black presence in the UK. The project has now expanded to deliver a schedule on nine walks throughout Birmingham. The walks are open to the general public, as well as corporate group tours. In addition, we network with a range of industries, academics and creatives to deliver one off specialist tours, exhibitions and arts activities.  Black heritage Walks Network CIC has a heritage education programme, which ranges from KS1 to KS4 and empowers students to research their historical and present day heritage. The heritage education programme is delivered in schools and out of school settings, such as libraries and ‘Saturday schools’ As a registered ‘social prescriber’ in Birmingham, Black Heritage Walks Network CIC has engaged with the NHS to deliver culturally sensitive mental health and wellbeing provision for the over 50’s African Caribbean community. During the pandemic, we were one of the leading champions  to help with the recovery of the black community in Birmingham – delivering food bank and welfare support, as well as assistance with digital poverty and online activities.  As a result, we know have a prestigious model of mobile health outreach, delivering quality culturally competent services at a hyperlocal level. We presented our model at the UK first Black Health Matters Global Summit in 2021. Black Heritage Walks Network strives to not only revive Black British History but to also keep it alive.  This is important so that this and future generations know Black History is British History!