Vincent M John
Vincent M John My Origins: I was born on the “Nature Island of the Caribbean“, Dominica where my formative years were nurtured by the beautiful natural environment which embedded a deep sense of community, culture and industriousness in all aspects of my life. My motto “Initiative, Action and Perseverance” was developed in Guadeloupe where I observed my father organising workers, and always making himself available to assist them with a range of challenges, my hard-working grandparents in Dominica and my inspirational mother in England. My Contribution to Caribbean Cultural in the UK: Chairman of The Dominica U.K Association (DUKA) for 25 years which has been promoting Kweyol and Caribbean Culture since 1978 the objects of which include the development and promotion of Caribbean Kweyol culture involving a diverse range of performing artistes from the Caribbean in the UK. Band Leader of DUKA’s Mas Domnik Nature Island Carnival Band since 2005 portraying traditional Caribbean and Kweyol culture at Notting Hill, other U.K. Carnivals and Europe, securing two first, three second and two third places at the Notting Hill Carnival. Chairman of the Association of British Calypsonians (ABC) now the Association of Calypsonians And Soca Artistes (ACASA) from 2015 to date, which delivers the London Calypso and Groovy Soca Tent Nights as the precursor to the London Notting Hill Carnival, the U.K. Calypso and Groovy Soca Monarchs Finals, and World Music Stage during Carnival. First Chairman of Carnival Arts and Masquerade Foundation (CAMF) from 2011 to 2014 representing Mas Bands in Notting Hill. Currently CAMF’s Trustee Director for Business, Governance and Law representing Notting Hill Carnival Mas Bands. First Chairman of the Carnival Steering Group and London Notting Hill Carnival Enterprises Trust (LNHCET) which delivered the NH Carnival, Europe’s largest street Carnival from 2012 to 2014 and adviser until 2018. Director of Carnival Village Trust, current Organisers of the Notting Hill Carnival from 2015 to 2018. Chairman of INNOVAI Events (Ageless Teenagers) focusing on the wellbeing of the Windrush Generation and their offspring including provision of “feel good” cultural activities. Organiser and Co-ordinator of Dominica’s annual Independence Celebrations with emphasis on culture. My Charity Interests: Following Hurricane David in 1978 I volunteered with the relief effort and became a full member of The Dominica UK Association (DUKA) in 1979. My Chairmanship of voluntary community organisations include: Association of Calypsonians and Soca Artistes (ACASA) Mas Domnik Nature Island Carnival Band DominicaFirst (Dominica National Development & Disaster Fund) Newham Safer Neighbourhood Board (Funded by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime) Newham African Caribbean Resource Centre 9Providing facilities for cultural and community events for over 50 organisations Innovai Events CIC (Ageless Teenagers) First Chairman, current Trustee Director, Carnival Arts & Masquerade Foundation (CAMF) Chairman of London Notting Hill Carnival Enterprises Trust (2012 to 2014) My Philosophy: My aim is to continue to combine my professional skills with the commitment to mobilise and contribute to the development of African-Caribbean and other community organisations with a passion for African-Caribbean heritage and culture, governance and social enterprise for sustainability. My Hobbies: My love for sports included playing Football in my younger days for Caribbean International FC, Sheffield, St. Antony’s FC, etc. and being a life-long West Ham supporter, Athletics throughout the UK, Boxing, Cricket, Rugby, and Badminton
Emmanuel Amevor
I am a trained accountant, having quaified as Chartered Certified Accountant. I am a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA). I also hold a degree in Accounting Studies from Thames Valley University. I am a consultant at Rocksons, Chartered Certified Accountants, Barking, East London. I work on SMEs within the charity sector and NGO accounts in the firm. My formative years were in Accra, Ghana. I was privileged to be amongst the first crop of students to benefit from free secondary school education under the revolutionary leadership of Ghana’s first president Dr Kwame Nkrumah. I was a student leader in Ghana. I was the Greater Accra Regional Secretary of the Ghana United Nations Students Association (GUNSA) when I was a student at the Institute of Professional Studies IPS (now University of Professional Studies, UPSA) in Accra where I started my accountancy studies in 1971. I later proceeded to the UK to complete my studies. While at secondary school, I was fortunate to be taken under the wings of Professor Ablade Glover, the eminent Ghanaian artist and art educator who was then the Dean of the College of Arts at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana. Professor Glover, now retired, runs the Omanye Gallery in Accra. His paintings could be found in such diverse places as O’Hare International airport, Chicago, USA and among the Royal collections of the Japanese Royal family, in Japan. My association with Prof Glover aroused my interest in the arts and history. I arrived in the UK over four decades ago to complete my accountancy education and return to the motherland. Unfortunately, military coups and instability in Ghana truncated my desire to return home. I joined Centerprise Trust Ltd, the then Dalston-based community and arts centre in Hackney as Finance Officer. I later led a restructuring process of the organisation and became its CEO. The organisation went into hibernation when the local authority, Hackney Council, under the leadership of Mayor Jules Pipe, seized its building illegally in 2012. During my time at Centerprise, I was Chair of Hackney Cultural Forum which was the lead body in the central government’s ‘Local Strategic Partnership’ in charge of policy development and implementation of the Borough’s arts and cultural policy from 2004-2007. Centerprise was the lead organisation in the development of ‘Hackney Mare de Gras’, a carnival and street parade that celebrated the Borough’s cultural diversity for ten years starting in 1998 as part of events marking the European Year Against Racism (EYAR). In 2008 Hackney Council decided to take over the festival, and rename it ‘Hackney One Carnival’. To date it remains an annual feature in the Borough’s cultural calendar.In 2008, as part of the Commemoration of the Bicentenary of the Parliamentary Abolition of the Slave-trade by the British government, Centerprise organised,’ WordPower, International Black Literature Festival and Book Fair’. The festival which was a celebration of black cultural and literary excellence, brought together writers, academics, poets, historians of African heritage from the Caribbean, USA and Canada, Europe and Africa to discuss and share experiences of their works at The Emirates, Arsenal Football Stadium Conference Rooms, in North London under my leadership. I also currently run a mobile and online bookshop dealing in black history books, while pursuing a Masters Research programme in the History of Africa and its Diaspora at the University of Chicheser, Chichester, UK. Please visit my site @
Claude Fisher Sylvester
Claude Fisher Sylvester I was born in Grenada in the mid-1950s in the village of Grenville Vale, St George. My parents emigrated to The UK when I was very young; so I was brought up by my grandmother, known affectionately as “Nennen”. Employment.I worked with Haringey Council’s housing service for 35 years until 2018, when I took voluntary redundancy. Sports/Hobbies. I am a keen follower of the West Indies cricket team and played with the Highbury Fields Cricket Team for many years. A keen supporter of Caribbean culture, I played with a costume mas band known as the Lion Youth Carnival Band at Notting Hill and was also involved with the committee that managed the Notting Hill Carnival, serving as the treasurer of the Carnival Development Committee in 1979/80 Family: I have been married since 1988. I have three adult children and two grandchildren Voluntary work – the Grenada Voluntary Hospital Committee (GVHC) In 1986. I joined the Grenada Voluntary Hospital Committee (GVHC). I served for many years as its treasurer and was elected as the group’s chairperson in 2003. The GVHC has supported health care provision in Grenada since 1967. Our donations are too numerous to mention. GVHC has a website from which more information could be obtained about the contributions that the organisation has made over the years. The website address is More information could be obtained on Voluntary work – Grenadian Heritage Day CommitteeI have been the co-ordinator/manager of the Grenadian Heritage Day event since 2009. The event has grown steadily since its inception and is now the largest event in the Grenadian community in the UK. It features, a wide range of stalls, live entertainment, children entertainment, heritage, culture, etc. Over two thousand (2000) regularly attend. Photos of the last event (in 2019) could be viewed on Voluntary work – Lemuel Findlay Supplementary School.I have been a member of the management committee of the Lemuel Findlay Supplementary School for the last 20 years. I have been its chairperson for the last 12 years. Lemuel Findlay Supplementary School (formerly named Y-Wise) was founded in 1974. It was launched after a weekend conference attended by a group of fifty-six West Indian Sixth Form Students. This was organised by concerned parents and teachers. They were concerned about the decline in academic achievement amongst black students in the local borough of Haringey. The project was named Y-Wise (Young West Indian Self Effort). The school’s main aim was to ensure that students were equipped with the basic skills in Mathematics and English Language to enable them to access the curriculum in their mainstream schools. The school has a website; the address is: Church Work – since 2016, my wife and I have been the main facilitators of the marriage preparation course which is a yearly 6 week course for couples wishing to be married in the Catholic church, giving them skills and techniques for successful married life. I am also a member of the finance team, with responsibility for weekly counting of parish donations.
Harvel Mattison
Harvel Mattison Nominated by Asiah Samuels-Baxter who wrote the following:Harvel Mattison has worked with the Citizens Advice Bureau Service as a Manager for almost 30 years working with people from all walks of life, which is an ideal job for him, a real people’s person who is selfless, kind, giving and thoughtful, an individual anyone can rely on through thick and thin, always thinking outside the box on how to benefit the community. Not only does he hold down a full time job, he finds time to volunteer his time, he’s fostered children, taken in Overseas students, runs a local karaoke event (targeting the over 50s whom otherwise maybe suffering loneliness or isolation) where he takes on younger (Youth boys and girls) who may be interested in a career in music (or a hobby) teaching them the ropes of his trade and allowing them to run an event night. He has actually taught my daughters who wanted to learn just to impress their peers 😄 As if this is not enough, he also does a weekly slot on a Radio station, playing music, and giving advice on various subjects. He is an amazing human being, a perfect role model who deserves recognition.
Dion Walters
Dion Walters Nominated by Asiah Samuels-Baxter who wrote the following:I have known Mr Dion Walters for many many years, throughout the years I have had the pleasure/honour of knowing him he never fails to surprise me with regards to always going that extra mile for the betterment of his community, whether it be donating free computers/laptops to youth organisations, offering a helping hand to those in need less fortunate, basically going that extra mile even if it sometimes put him out in terms of his time. It’s never about monetary gain with Dion Walters, it’s all about giving back to the community regardless of who you are or where you are from. I know he will be very embarrassed by the nomination, but I honestly believe individuals like Mr Walters should be recognised and valued for the selfless contribution. Thank you for your consideration.
Joseph Santiago
Jose Santiago José Santiago is a proactive, accomplished financial strategist with deep knowledge of FinTech(payment systems, mobile money and digital money), financial inclusion strategies and assetprotection, sectors both in UK and abroad. Graduated in Public Administration and Modern Languages and have started his career as anauditor then developed to other forms of financial consultation, Wealth Management and thenFinTech with professional qualifications from UK CII (Chartered Insurance Institute), CISI(Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment) and PFS (Personal Financial Society). In 1998 José founded LBWTA (Let’s Bring Wealth to Africa) Foundation which helps people(specially the deprived ones) with unique wealth creation, financial planning and financialinclusion. LBWTA has offices in London (headoffice), Dubai, Lagos and Nairobi. In 2020 José founded Umoja Generational Wealth (UGW) which provides Africans and AfricanDescendants tools and strategies to build, maintain, grow their wealth, power and prosperityunder Ubuntu Principles. We provide training, mentoring and coaching in all thing asset basedwealth for our community. We currently have a subsidiary in Ghana, Umoja Ghana! Umojamission is to create 100,000 Asset based millionaires in our community by 2030. We take you bythe hand from Umoja (Unity, Together, Togetherness) to Umnotho (Prosperity, Wellbeing). Books and eBooks Regular Contributions to online and printed media including (QUEST, SME Adviser, Femina,Zambia Online, Arab Business Review). Radio: Host of “My Money” at 24 Horas Radio and contributor to SLR, PowerXtra and ChoiceFMRadios and few others. Speaker and Coach on: FinTech, Digital Money, Mobile Money, Financial Inclusion Strategies,Wealth protection. Passionate about our community and about ways to lift us all from the bottom of the pyramid. Moto: Umoja your money, so we stand!
Royston John
Royston John Royston John worked as a senior manager across local government for over 20 years before becoming a Business Coach and Management Consultant. The breadth of his experience includes human resources, finance, performance management, project management and service reviews; identifying and solving complex organisational, operational, technical and logistic problems with creativity, innovation and confidence; public speaking, setting up and managing staff groups and organising conferences. Royston has 20 years’ experience as an EDI facilitator and adviser. Activities include adviser to a Mayor and Cabinet on increasing black staff in employment; supporting organisations become anti-racist organisations; advising HR Directors on race and diversity matters; with Metropolitan Police reducing racial disparity; with Bristol Police and community increasing racial harmony in the city. Currently Co-Chair of REPAG (Race Equality Public Action Group), Royston supports and guides the agenda with insightful skills, experience, understanding and compassion ensuring on-going relationships between NIHR/Health/Education and the community remain a positive, informed partnership for commitment and change. Working closely with organisations of different sizes, as well as individuals at all stages of their career, Royston assist with development and growth – providing innovative and cost effective solutions to suit individual and business needs. In the 20 years of delivering coaching and mentoring Royston has supported clients both in, and out of, the working environment. These include chief executives, executive directors, senior and middle managers. Sectors include Business, Health, Housing, Social services; local government. Appraising and supporting executives and senior managers through leadership and management development programmes; policy/statutory compliance changes, to enable organisation financial and operational integrity, with a speciality in supporting cultural transition and professional integration. Achievements range from quality of life to bottom line objectives. Other skills include mediation and investigation at individual and organisational level. Royston’s work includes adults, parents, children, teachers, community leaders and more. Royston has a degree in Management Development and Social Responsibilities, the Institute of Leadership Management Level 7 Certificate in Executive Coaching & Mentoring, member of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and a graduate of Common Purpose. Work includes British Council management development initiative working collaboratively with 19 African countries.
Dr Carole Nicholson
Dr Carole Nicholson Dr Carole Nicholson is currently Principal at Syon Manor College for (ASD) students. Her work focuses specifically on Special Educational Needs (SEND). With international global experience within the USA and Canada her work is concerned with the personal, social and emotional development of education and care of all SEND students across the curriculum. In her career she has held various Headship roles and was a lecturer at St Mary’s University in London. Carole holds a BSc Hons degree in Social Science, Postgraduate Diploma in Psychoanalytical Studies at University of London, PGCE Teacher and Lecturer of Psychology, MA, Group Psychotherapy and PHD in Psychotherapy and Education from University of Birmingham. Her background includes: Educational Consultancy, Headteacher, Trainer, Special Educational Needs Coordinator specialising in Behaviour Management. In addition, she is a Psychotherapist/Counsellor with over 20 years’ experience and expertise in pastoral casework. Her expanse includes: leading and directing the finite educational lifecycle programmes of residential care homes through to the seamless establishment and management of therapeutic SEMH/BESD schools and originator of bespoke educational training curriculum. She is a mentor and a mother of two girls who are both 15 and 19 years old respectively. In widening participation, her other extensive roles include, Consultation and serving as a Board Member for Dunn, Pierre Barnett and Co, Canada Ltd. Carole is also Vice-Chair for Jamaica Education Taskforce UK (JETUK), the leading organisation in UK, that partners with the Ministry Of Education, Youth & Information (MOEYI), Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade (MFAFT), National Education Trust (NET) and is the Coordinator for Special Educational Needs that supports Education in Jamaica. As a volunteer, Carole works with VITAL EET Supplementary School in providing counseling support to women and families within the community, through the running of workshops for parental groups. Carole has worked as a Consultant with other professionals on the St Lucia Psychosocial Project, to raise the achievements of boys and girls, as well as worked on the Boys to Men programme. In her spare time, her hobbies include: Writing Poetry, Jet Skiing, Combat Training, Boxing, running Half Marathon, Ice Skating, is a Master Swimmer and enjoys cooking. She is a Public Speaker that has spoken and made presentations at various events.
Cosmo Morgan
Cosmo Morgan I am so blessed to be the CEO of One Love Syndicate CIC and experience my dreams, aspirations and passion for serving the community transpire into reality. As a father to a young black son I wanted to do something that would both have an inspiring and collective turnaround in communities far and wide within the UK, concentrating in particular on our young people, At the same time I wanted to be in a position to offer rewards to the wider community as a whole which would increase overall community wealth and create a reciprocal financial loop that would be fed back into the community, creating a sustainable legacy for future generations. Creating One Love lottery was a way of getting the community to invest in themselves allowing all funds generated to go towards developmental programmes and initiatives for our youth. I have previously worked in video production ,as a photographer, managed new vocal artists and produced my own stage play which aired at the Nottingham Playhouse and Catford Theatre, thus opening up channels for me to meet and network with mainstream artists and producers. I am incredibly thankful to see my vision come to life and I look forward to best serving my community and working beside mutual entities and persons of whom have demonstrated visible outreach capacities re: making positive long lasting, tangible differences. It is my sincere intention to really make a difference, so I say, let’s do something positive for our youths in the community and increase our community wealth.
Lorlett Hudson
Lorlett Hudson One Hand Cant Clap Lorlett Hudson FRSA is the Founder and CEO of One Hand Cant Clap one of the UK leading Learning and development company. Set up in 2000 to facilitate inclusive leadership development, challenging existing ways of thinking, improve productivity in the workplace and schools. She is recognised as a multi-award winning entrepreneur, Inventor, Executive Leadership/Transition Coach, an International Speaker and a trainer on a mission to support her clients achieve their goals and solve their problems. She worked mainly with Senior African Caribbean professionals, and entrepreneurs to increase their reputation as a leader, develop their ability to influence others and fully engage their teams to deliver impactful results She is the inventor of the critically acclaimed “Things Mama Used To Say”, a 52 card box set of Jamaican/Caribbean proverbs to facilitate change management, build inclusive leaders, diversity, Inclusion, culture humility, and develop high performing teams. Over 21,000 copies sold. She also created the annual ‘Common Ties’ event in its 13th year that brings over 200 people annually together to share lived experiences and celebrate African Caribbean cultural pride and resilience. Another one of her ventures is the upcoming 7 days Vision Quests’’ retreat at New England Private Estate in Jamaica due to start October 2022. This retreat is for creatives to get more clear on their vision, than they have ever been about who they are and what they are really here to do in their next phase of life. Her pioneering approach to entrepreneurship has resulted in her winning the Silver Award of the prestigious British Female Inventors & Innovators Awards, Wavemakers National Awards, a runner up in the National Training Awards and also a Member of Courvoisier The Future 500 top talents in the UK, and recently the GLE Enterprise award.All of this has been in recognition of her innovative action-oriented coaching that have transformed the productivity, effectiveness, leadership and quality of life for many individuals and organisations. She is a RSA Fellow with a network of 29,000 Fellows who want to change the world for the better. In 1754, The RSA was founded by a group of like-minded individuals to transform the world. We believe that when people come together, the possibilities are endless. She is a Cherie Blair Business Mentor and Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship Caribbean Business Mentor.For more details please contact [email protected]